Knees, shoulders, hips, elbows, ankles and wrists are important to the proper physical performance of the human body. Though each type of joint has a unique job, they all have at least two things in common: They play a key role in body movement, and because they’re used so often, they’re also susceptible to injury.
The office of Oklahoma Shoulder Center PLLC offers advanced diagnosis and treatment of joint injuries with a minimally invasive procedure known as arthroscopic surgery.
During this surgery, we create a very small incision and insert an instrument equipped with a miniaturized video camera into the joint space. The camera provides a magnified, high-resolution image of the joint; that image is projected onto a monitor so we can see the affected area. We can then carefully analyze the abnormalities and take incisive action to treat them immediately using minute and delicate instruments inserted through one or more additional tiny incisions.
Arthroscopic surgery is usually performed as an outpatient procedure and is considered more accurate than commonly used nonsurgical diagnostic tools such as an MRI. It can be used to diagnose and treat such conditions as loose bone fragments, inflamed joint linings, torn ligaments, scarring within the joints, and damaged or torn cartilage.
If we determine that arthroscopic surgery is the best option for your condition, rest assured that you will be in the best hands with our knowledgeable and compassionate team. Our comfortable environment along with our state-of-the-art operating room and equipment are designed to make your procedure as stress-free and effective as possible.
When you want to take a step toward better bone and joint health, know that the professionals at the office of Oklahoma Shoulder Center PLLC are leaders in the field of arthroscopic surgery. When you schedule your procedure, we will walk you through the process and provide all the information you need for pre- and post-operative care. For more information on arthroscopic surgery and our other many orthopedic services, please don’t hesitate to call us to make an appointment.
By Oklahoma Shoulder Center PLLC
January 30, 2023